As some of you may already know, Dynasty Organics was built during the rise of Covid. Being my own boss has always been my dream but never would I have ever thought that I would build a successful business in the middle of a pandemic. Two words… GOD’S FAVOR! A few years back, my son got lice in his dreadlocks. He had to be treated for over 4 weeks. This encouraged me to study natural herbs & oils along with their beneficial properties. I created the “Sacred Hair Serum” in which I used daily on my child’s hair. Within two weeks, I noticed the significant amount of hair growth he was having. My family began using this hair oil and often encouraged me to began selling it. But, I allowed fear to get in the way. I’ve always been intrigued with natural feminine & skincare but I never imagined of creating my own products. Before creating this business, I worked in healthcare but with the overwhelming deaths & everything that was taking place in the field during Covid, I had to make a choice of taking a break for the sake of my child’s safety as well as my own. I began studying natural herbs and the benefits. Although it took some time, I came up with the perfect product for women’s healthcare.
I decided to take a leap of faith and bet on myself. I started Dynasty Organics in May of 2020. Although I had no experience in entrepreneurship, I was determined to become successful. I spent every dime I had on materials, supplies, & equipment. I began posting & promoting myself daily. With God’s Grace & his guidance, we’ve been growing every since. I couldn’t have accomplished any of this without God’s favor, my family, & each and every one of my customers/ supporters. I am humble & greatly appreciative of of your generosity & continued support. To anyone who has a vision, DON’T GIVE UP! With God’s Love, hustle, ambition, & hardwork… you CAN get there. CHIN UP & HAVE FAITH❤️